How to Attach a Baby Hammock to Crib

How Safe are Baby Hammocks for Sleep?

Who knows what a infant hammock is? I will be totally honest that I was only familiar with the type that attaches to the crib before researching for this article!

There are several dissimilar brands/types on the market. We volition explore what the options are and if a infant hammock is prophylactic for sleep.

There is baby hammock for crib, brands like crescent womb baby hammock and Lullaby Hammock, and portable ones; as well equally hammocks that are non even for sleep!

We will cover FAQs like:

  • What is a babe hammock?
  • Is Hammock safe for babies?
  • Do baby hammocks forbid SIDS?
  • What is the best babe hammock?
  • Portable baby hammock?
  • Baby airplane hammock?
  • Baby hammock with stand?
  • Hammock bassinets with a baby hammock mattress?
  • How to brand a baby hammock?
  • Takeaways

I hope to shed some light on these devices and so that you lot can make an informed decision for your baby and family.

What is a babe hammock?

By and large, as parents, one of the decisions we have to make when bringing a baby home is where they will slumber.

This looks unlike for every family, only it is something parents should research beforehand and have programme A (and b, and c) in identify and then that you are not making a rash conclusion in a slumber-deprived country. Should babe slumber in a crib, bassinet, pack north play, mini crib, baby hammock, parents bed…? The list goes on!

Ane option you may explore is a baby hammock for crib.

These devices are made of mesh typically and adhere to the crib rails to stay suspended over the crib creating a "womb-like" experience, so they say.

From the Crescent Womb website , " Crescent Womb was created to ease the transition from being in the womb to being in the world. Crescent Womb is designed to exist extremely beneficial during all stages of infancy. Statistically, the peak age for SIDS and other sleep-related hazards is from iii-six months. Newborns can utilise Crescent Womb from birth and babies typically begin transitioning into a crib or toddler bed when they are able to sit upward unassisted, attempting to clamber, or voluntarily rolling over."

As of this time, infant/baby crib hammocks have non been tested by in potent peer-reviewed bear witness-based studies, nor are they approved by the Consumer Product Safe Commission for infant slumber.

There is no evidence that they are as safe as a firm crib mattress for slumber.

Is hammock safe for babies?

Is hammock safe for babies?

Here are some reasons the baby hammock is non safe for babies:

  • It is not business firm or flat (both recommendations for a safety sleep environment by the American University of Pediatrics)
  • Rolling could cause injury or worse (they could roll out of the hammock onto the crib surface or out of the crib/hammock entirely)
  • Delaying evolution (babies larn best when they take the liberty to effigy out move, especially in their sleep)
  • Promotes a chin to breast position (which can lead to positional asphyxiation and is why a baby should not be left in their car seat outside of the motorcar when sleeping)

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for safe slumber include the ABC's of sleep: an infant should be alone, on their back, in their crib on a house and apartment surface.

For a helpful review of safe sleep rules, yous tin read this blog about safe sleep for babies.

Solitary means without annihilation else in their sleep space including bumpers (yes, fifty-fifty mesh ones), stuffed animals, blankets, sheets, pillows, and loveys. While all of that is cute when decorating a nursery, it is not applied and it is all-time to stick with a tightly fitted canvass, with a swaddle or Kyte BABY sleep bag !

The " Back to Sleep " campaign was launched in the '90s as part of the safe sleep entrada when SIDS deaths were on the rise. Information technology significantly lowered the rate of SIDS decease from so on. Therefore, it is important to always place your infant on their back to sleep for the beginning 12 months.

Once your baby tin can roll, they are rubber to sleep on their belly should they choose that as their position of condolement. Thus, if they scroll in their crib, it's completely fine to leave them that style (so long as your sleep space is free of any loose objects).

If you were to put your infant in a position they tin not hands become into, they could get stuck in a mode that blocks their airway.

A crib with a house sleep surface and tight, fitted sail that meets the safe standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is the safest surface for your little 1 to sleep on. You might think they need something softer, but when you identify your baby down lonely, on their back, in their crib on a house surface then the mattress should non indent at all (see below).

There is a run a risk of rolling out of the hammock which could cause an injury. The infant hammock may also delay development past restricting movement.

And last, when babies are curled in a position that brings their chin to their breast, it compromises their airway and can cause positional asphyxiation.

This article discusses positional asphyxiation in more item!

That's why parents are urged not to leave their newborns in an infant automobile seat for prolonged periods of fourth dimension. A 2016 UK study showed babies who sleep on an angle (such as would happen in a hammock) had "significant effects on newborns animate and heart rates."

So are infant hammocks safe for newborns? Unfortunately not as it does not meet the recommendations for safe sleep for babies.

This study discusses if baby hammocks are safety for sleeping . " We strongly recommend that hammocks should non be used for unsupervised slumber."

Lessons from the 1980s: The Crib Cuddle Remember

 The Crib Cuddle Recall

Infant hammocks and their dangers are non new. In 1985, a product called the "Crib Cuddle" was recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission later on being linked to the death of a v-week old babe who was strangled past the product. At that place were besides two other "near misses" attributed to the hammock.

The CPSC concluded: "The Crib Cuddle can exist dangerous if an infant, in moving most, is able to reach the edge of the hammock and place his or her head over the edge maybe resulting in suffocation."

Health Canada states the following :

  • Hammocks can become unstable causing the production to tip frontward, causing a baby to go wedged into one corner or side and suffocate.
  • Hammocks intended to exist used by infants and immature children can of a sudden twist effectually a child's cervix, causing them to strangle.
  • Babies placed on soft bedding (including hammocks) tin become wedged in positions where they cannot exhale.
  • Babies and young children using hammocks can fall from the high surface, causing injuries.

If you lot are struggling with newborn or infant slumber and are considering a infant hammock, then cheque out the following blogs to get some tips on improving sleep!

  • Infant Slumber Schedules (brand sure you have the timing right and baby is not overtired)
  • How to Swaddle a Baby (swaddling is a great alternative to a hammock and provides the same cozy feel)
  • Witching Hr Babe (ways to combat this really fussy time period)
  • Babe Sleep Training Methods (learn how to support your kid in falling asleep independently to negate the need for a baby hammock)
  • Baby Slumber Sacks (learn what a baby sleep sack is and how to use a slumber sack safely)
  • Babies Sleeping Through the Night (what does sleeping through the night hateful and what are realistic expectations for that for our babies)
  • Infant Slumber Regression (before you purchase a baby hammock to better slumber, make sure it is non just a little sleep regression they are going through-- sleep could go better without another band help purchased on amazon at 2am!)

So why are unsafe products on the market?

The Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) issues recommendations for manufacturers of baby products as does the Consumer Product Safety Committee, which requires third-party testing for many baby items.

The problem with baby hammocks, however, is that they are largely untested and only subject to recall when something goes wrong. There are  standards for almost all items merely passing regular standards to be sold doesn't make them safe for sleep. Only items that laissez passer bassinet, Playard or crib standards are safe

"Anyone can sell anything online and anyone tin buy annihilation," Macklin said. "Certainly, you have parents who do swear by these so you can come across some recommendations this way. So people will purchase these."

The product on the marketplace currently has safety certifications that cover lesser safety regulations such equally the sharp edges dominion for toys (16 CFR 1500.51-53). Or flammability standards for textiles. They are in a loophole; currently, the hammocks don't count as cribs or mattresses.

At that place are no mandatory safety standards for crib hammocks, which are classified as an "infant inclined sleep product." There is a voluntary prophylactic standard for such products (called ASTM F3118-17 ) and the CPSC is working to cover crib hammocks nether that standard.

Only every bit of this writing, crib hammocks fall into a loophole—they aren't bassinets, cradles or cribs . . . all of which are covered under mandatory safe rules.

That said, if you're enamored with the idea of your baby rocking in a hammock, at that place is a good fourth dimension to use such devices: When y'all're nowadays and watching.

"If the parent is awake and doing dishes in the kitchen and the mom and dad are watching that is fine," Macklin said. "Because they tin react to any dangerous situation that might come upwards. Only if it's a situation where the parent is audio comatose and the baby is audio comatose it might become unsafe for any number of reasons."

Do baby hammocks forestall SIDS?

Do baby hammocks prevent SIDS?

Fun fact: it is actually illegal to brand that merits!

According to the FDA , "To date, the FDA has not cleared or canonical a baby product to forestall or reduce the take chances of SIDS. The Agency is not enlightened of any scientific studies showing that a medical device prevents or reduces the chance of SIDS. In fact, babe products with such claims can actually pose a suffocation risk to infants.

As a result, the agency cautions parents and caregivers not to purchase or use baby products with claims to preclude or reduce the adventure of SIDS."

Whatever device that claims it reduces or prevents the take a chance of SIDS (Sudden Baby Decease Syndrome), should be reported to the FDA.

It is also worth noting that annihilation labelled equally a "sleeper" is non actually approved for sleep. But things labelled equally a bassinet, crib, or pack n play has been canonical equally safe sleep for babies.

It is also important to differentiate betwixt SIDS (Sudden Baby Decease Syndrome) and ASSB (Adventitious Strangulation and Suffocation in Bed). Where SIDS does not take a known cause (it is a diagnosis of exclusion), ASSB deaths are classified after a thorough investigation of slumber space and autopsy.

You can read more virtually the departure between SIDS and ASSB in this blog!

Reverse to what some may believe, SIDS is not choking, apnea or suffocation. Those tin be categorized under deaths caused past ASSB, Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed.

What is the all-time baby hammock?

At that place are other versions of babe hammocks that do non attach to the crib. These hammocks come with a baby hammock stand. Amby is a name make that is a baby hammock with a stand.

Information technology could even exist considered a portable baby hammock!

I estimate it would depend on what your intended apply is for using a baby hammock to decide what is the best baby hammock.

If your purpose is to use them for sleep, then there is non one. If you are wanting a cute place for baby to hang out in the house while they are awake, and so you could use an Amby babe hammock.

Babe airplane hammock?

There is a travel hammock on the market, even so the safest identify for your kid on a flight is in their FAA approved car seat.

The baby airplane hammock is not FAA approved, is non rubber, and is non allowed on airplanes. It is a big risk for an airline to let you utilize this product, much less fifty-fifty take it on board!

According to consumer reports , " When you're flying with a kid under 2 years old, the government and airlines permit yous to travel with the infant in your lap. While that might lead you to believe the exercise is safe, CR and other experts strongly propose confronting it.

(And in that location are a few other, safer, ways to save on booking children'southward fares, though not equally many as parents would like.) Your child should exist securely restrained in an appropriate car bounding main t."

Hammock bassinets with a baby hammock mattress that hang or babe hammock with a stand?

The good news is that there is an alternative. There are options for "hanging bassinets" or "hanging cribs" that are similar to a hammock while likewise beingness flat and firm.

The jury is unfortunately out on if these are prophylactic for unsupervised sleep! Y'all would accept to investigate if a product that labels itself a "hanging crib", "hanging bassinet" or "hanging cradle" to see if it passes condom standards by the Consumer Product Rubber Commision for sleep and not only for awake time.

There are options for a hammock bassinet with a mattress that hangs or a hammock with a stand, simply the ones with a stand volition likely not be totally apartment and therefore unsafe for sleep.

Because positional asphyxiation is "silent", even supervised slumber poses a risk and every bit parents, nosotros should exist mindful that it does not take long for that to exist a take chances.

How to brand a baby hammock?

If you would like to brand a baby hammock for your little 1 to hang out in during the mean solar day, and so y'all have some fun options!

You take to choose a strong, sturdy fabric and no longer use the babe hammock when baby is mobile/can roll as this poses a safety risk of baby rolling out of the hammock!

This is an alternative for using a baby swing as the baby hammock will gently sway and comfort them. Just move them when they are asleep onto a firm, apartment surface.

And then you would need a claw, concatenation, spring, and rod that allows the textile to stay open up. From in that location, you'll have to sew together the material, find a safe spot to hang it, make sure all the materials will support the weight of your child, and triple check the safety as many babies have been injured from using a babe hammock (both correctly and incorrectly!)

You lot could learn how to make some sort of macrame decoration for a hanging bassinet/cradle if y'all are wanting to find something that volition match the decor of your home.

Allow us be honest though, these sort of things are but used for a short period of fourth dimension, it probably is not worth the effort of learning how to brand information technology unless it is a skill you are wanting to learn anyway.


Baby hammock good or bad? As a parent, it is all-time to review all of the information available to brand an informed decision.

It is best to look at what your intention is for using a baby hammock and what baby hammock you are looking to purchase specifically. Baby hammocks should never be used in the crib (as cypher attached or added to the crib is prophylactic) or used for unsupervised sleep.

There are a lot of options out in that location that are not baby hammocks that can be used safely for slumber and awake time without the added worry of the baby injuring themselves.

Your options would exist a crib, play yard, or bassinet for sleep and things like a swing or play mat for awake time! If you lot accept a really fussy baby, then check out band slings or baby carriers to stay hands free while also comforting your babe.

For more than data on safe standards for inclined sleep surfaces, you can read about that in this article. They say, "Infant positioning during use : In 13 reported incidents the infant moved into a compromised position. Near of the incidents involved hammock-similar products, which shifted into a non-level residual position as the babe moved.

Two infants ended up trapped in a corner with face in the fabric/bedding of the product. In two other reports, consumers complained of difficulty in preventing the baby from getting into a head-to-chin position."

With this information at your fingertips, I think it would exist condom to say that a baby hammock for sleep is non worth the adventure!

Author BIO:

Ashley Olson is a certified pediatric sleep consultant, owner of Sky Sent Slumber, and passionate almost helping new parents, experienced parents, desperate and sleep-deprived parents form healthy sleep habits for their children.

She has over 3 years of experience in working with families and has completed over 150 hours of coursework plus continuing education related to infant and toddler sleep. The focus of her work is on fostering a routine that grows your bond with your kid while improving their slumber habits. She specializes in custom sleep plans and one on one support in changing slumber practices!


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