Check Over Both Classes????? / Submit Again?????????

Admission your assignments

Y'all can access assignments in the activity stream or in the calendar if your teacher added due dates.

If the due date has passed for an consignment, you lot're alerted in the Important section of the action stream.

More on tardily work

You lot tin can besides detect your assignments on the Grade Content page. Your teacher may also organize assignments in folders and learning modules.

Your instructor may inquire you to piece of work on an assignment with a grouping.

More than on group assignments

Afterwards y'all select an consignment, the Details & Data panel appears. View the due appointment, number of attempts allowed, the time limit if imposed, and mayhap goals and a rubric for grading. Bank check if the due appointment has passed and if any submissions are or will be belatedly.

Access code

Your instructor may require a half dozen-digit admission code. Instructors effect the access codes, but they might accept another person, such every bit a proctor, evangelize the codes. After you blazon the lawmaking, you can open the assignment. You can apply the code to resume an assignment you saved. Yous don't demand the code to view your grades and feedback posted by your instructor. If your instructor changes the lawmaking between attempts, you'll demand to ask for information technology once more.

Your instructor tin also secure an assignment with the LockDown Browser. You need to provide the correct access code before the LockDown Browser is launched.

Ready to start?

If no time limit exists, y'all can view an assignment and you lot don't have to submit it. When you lot select View assessment, you can simply view the assignment or add some piece of work. Not set up to submit? Select Relieve and Close in the console. If yous previously started the assignment, your work was saved. Select View cess to resume working.

If your teacher added a time limit, it appears alongside other assignment details on the Course Content page. You'll besides run across the fourth dimension limit on the assignment'south Details & Information panel and within the assignment, as y'all work. You'll come across Start attempt instead of View assessment. When you select Start attempt, you lot'll receive a pop-up window to kickoff the timer earlier you tin access the consignment. If you're not set to start, select Abolish. After you kickoff, the assignment auto-submits when time is up.

More on fourth dimension limits

Late work

Subsequently the due date has passed and you lot open up an assignment, yous're alerted that your submission will be marked late. Yous can view the alarm in the Details & Data panel, on the consignment page, and in the submit confirmation window. In the Details & Information panel, you tin also see if any submissions are or will exist late.

In the panel, yous tin can select your submission in the Grading section and also see that you lot made a late submission.

If set by your instructor, you may see zeros for piece of work you lot haven't submitted after the due engagement passes. You can all the same submit attempts to update your class. Your instructor determines grade penalties for late work.

More on zeros assigned to past due work

More than on multiple attempts grades

View fastened files

Your instructor may attach files that y'all need to read or use to complete an consignment. Your instructor decides how files appear, such every bit inline or as attachments.

In virtually browsers, you can select where the files that you open up in courses are downloaded. For example, in Chrome, navigate to Settings > Advanced > Downloads. You tin select the location for file downloads and choose if yous desire the browser to ask each time. In Safari, you lot have the same capabilities. Navigate to Preferences > Full general > File download location. You can perform an internet search to acquire about file download choices in other browsers.

For video and audio files that appear inline, select the title to open them in new windows. You lot have controls for play, pause, and volume control. For video files, you can view the video in full screen. You lot tin can too download the file.

For media files that appear as attachments, open the menu. Select Download Original File to download images, Give-and-take documents, PDFs, or slide presentations to your reckoner. Select Preview File to open the file on the course folio, such every bit an image.

For paradigm files that appear inline, y'all can select an image to view it separately.

Submit an assignment

Your teacher provides all the information and files you need to consummate an assignment.

Be mindful of the time. If your instructor put a time limit on the assignment, you can go along track of how much time is left. A inaugural appears at the bottom of your screen and warns yous as the time limit gets closer.

The timer keeps counting down when you salve a draft or exit an attempt in progress.

Create your submission. Select Add Content to open the editor. You can use the options in the editor to format the text and embed images and attach files. Visit the previous link to see an expanded view of the editor options and detailed instructions.

If you view the editor on a smaller screen, select the plus icon to view the bill of fare of options. You'll observe the selection to attach a file to your consignment.

For example, select Insert/Edit Local Files—represented by the paper clip icon. Browse for a file from your computer. A condition window appears to show the progress of the file upload.

Only your instructor tin view the content you lot add.

To use your keyboard to leap to the editor toolbar, printing ALT + F10. On a Mac, press Fn + ALT + F10. Use the pointer keys to select an option, such equally a numbered list.

Insert from Deject Storage: You can instantly connect to multiple web apps where you lot store files, such every bit in OneDrive® and Google Drive™. The files yous add are copies. If you make a alter to a file in cloud storage, you lot demand to upload a new copy in your grade. If your browser allows, media files you add together from cloud storage brandish inline.

More on deject storage

Add to the chat. If your instructor enabled conversations, select the Open class chat icon. Anyone tin can make a contribution to the consignment conversation, including your teacher.

More than on conversations

Not prepare to submit? Select Salvage and Close to save your work and continue after. Your text, comments, and files are saved on the page. When you return, you can resume working.

Submit your assignment. Finished? Select Submit when you're fix for your teacher to course your piece of work. When you submit, a panel appears with the date and time y'all made the submission. Select the View submission link at the bottom of the console to review your submission.

The Submit button is disabled until yous add together content or answer at least one question.

If your instructor allowed one effort, you can't edit your work after y'all submit. If your instructor allowed multiple attempts and you lot submit an try past the due date, the attempt will be marked tardily. Any attempts you submit before the due date aren't marked belatedly.

When you terminate your assignment, y'all must select Submit. If you don't, your instructor won't receive your completed consignment.

Word count in the editor

As yous type in the editor for Essay questions and the submission area, the give-and-take count appears beneath the editor. After you salve, the discussion count no longer appears.

These items are included in the word count:

  • Individual words
  • Web links
  • Text in bulleted or numbered lists, but the bullets or numbers themselves aren't included
  • Superscript and subscript text not part of some other word

These items and formatting elements don't bear upon the word count:

  • Images, videos, and file attachments
  • Math formulas
  • Blank spaces and lines
  • Alternative text

When you utilize punctuation to adhere words or numbers, the count is afflicted. For example, "We went...without you lot" is counted as three words. The words or numbers on either side of the punctuation are counted every bit one give-and-take.

Edit your content

After you add content, open the card and select Edit to make changes or add together more content.

Yous can edit settings for the files you've added. Select a file in the editor and then select the Edit Zipper icon in the row of editor options. You can add a Brandish Proper name and Alternative Text. Alternative text describes the image for people who use screen readers or visit web pages with images turned off.

You tin also choose whether to insert the file equally a link in the editor or to embed the file directly and so it appears inline with other content you've added.

Reorder your text and files

Signal to a text block or a file to access the Motion icon. Press and elevate the text block or file to a new location.

You can utilize your keyboard to movement an item.

  1. Tab to an item's Move icon.
  2. Press Enter to activate move mode.
  3. Use the arrow keys to cull a location.
  4. Press Enter to driblet the item in the new location.

View the rubric

If your instructor added a rubric for grading to an assignment, yous can view it earlier you open the consignment and after y'all start the endeavor. Select This item is graded with a rubric to view the rubric.

If you lot desire, you can view the rubric alongside the assignment instructions. You tin can expand each rubric criterion to view the accomplishment levels and organize your efforts to meet the requirements of the graded work.

Anonymously graded assignments

When you open an consignment, you're informed if your submission is set up to be graded anonymously:

This assessment will be graded anonymously. Don't include any personal information, such as your name.

Your instructor won't run across your name during grading. Your teacher may cull to grade anonymously to eliminate bias. Your instructor can't enable bearding grading for group assignments.

Yous shouldn't include whatsoever identifying information with your submission. Don't add your name to files you upload or apply your name in whatsoever text you add.

You won't see any indication of anonymous grading on your Grades page. Until your instructor posts grades, you'll encounter Not graded in the Grade cavalcade. If your instructor allowed multiple attempts, you'll also see Non graded for each endeavour yous've submitted.

Timed assignments

Your instructor may limit the amount of time yous accept to submit your assignment. If you have a fourth dimension limit, it appears alongside other assignment details on the Course Content page. You'll too come across the time limit on the consignment's Details & Information panel and within the assignment, as you work. You'll discover a countdown at the bottom left corner of the screen that will permit you know the remaining time in minutes and, during the last minute, the fourth dimension you take left downwardly to the concluding second.

When you select Start attempt, you lot'll receive a pop-up window to start the timer before you can admission the assignment. If you're not ready to start, select Abolish.

If you lot run across View assessment instead of Start attempt, the assignment isn't timed. You don't take to submit an assignment with no time limit when yous open information technology.

If your instructor allows you to submit multiple attempts, the time limit applies to each try.

The timer keeps running whether or not you lot're actively working on the consignment. If you save a draft or exit the assignment window, the inaugural continues and your work is saved and submitted when time is upwardly. When y'all select Save and Close to return to the consignment after, you're reminded that the timer will continue.

The timer appears at the bottom of the window to permit you know how much time is left. Your piece of work is saved and submitted automatically when time is upward.

Respondus LockDown Browser

Student - Secure Cess

Your teacher can deliver assignments and tests deeply. Secure assessments help promote academic integrity and honesty in pupil submissions. Your establishment may use Respondus tools to administer secure assessments.

Almost Respondus

Respondus LockDown Browser prevents your admission to any other materials, including internet browsers or other software, while you have an assessment open up. You can't refer to external information or copy material from these sources while yous accept the assessment. Within the LockDown Browser window, the assessment appears like any other Ultra assessment.

Respondus Monitor uses your webcam to forbid your admission to concrete materials during the assessment. Your instructor may also require y'all to enable your webcam or show your ID to verify that you're who you say you are.

Visit the Respondus Knowledgebase for help

What tin't I do during a secure cess?

If your instructor gear up assessment security, you tin can't perform these actions:

  • Open the assessment in a standard browser window
  • Open other programs or browser windows
  • Visit other websites
  • Re-create and paste
  • Print
  • Add files, links, or videos to your submission content
  • Use certain keyboard shortcuts
  • Apply your phone to submit attempts

    Your instructor may allow you to apply the Respondus iPad app. Otherwise, you need to submit a secure assessment with the desktop software.

Download the tools

You need to have Respondus LockDown Browser downloaded on your calculator to open a secure cess in Blackboard Learn. If you oasis't downloaded the tools and endeavour to open the assessment, a message appears with links where to download. Select the link to get started.

Respondus Monitor is included in the LockDown Browser software. Your institution uses a unique LockDown Browser download link and application. Your instructor or your institution'due south assistance desk-bound can provide you with the download URL.

Open up a secure cess

On the Course Content folio, you tin can meet the tools y'all demand to open up secure assessments and submit attempts. When yous open a secure assessment, the Details & Data panel appears to provide more data nigh the grade, number of attempts, and other settings. You encounter which tools yous need to continue.

Earlier you begin an endeavour, exist sure to download the required software. Reminder: If you oasis't downloaded the tools and try to open the assessment, a message appears with links where to download.

Select View assessment. LockDown Browser launches in a new window. If your instructor required Respondus Monitor, the startup sequence begins.

Add text and respond questions in the assessment just as you do in a standard browser. You lot can save drafts of your work and return at later points to go on work or submit. Reminder: You lot tin't add files, links, or videos to the editor when yous submit a secure assessment.

View an attempt

You'll also need Respondus LockDown Browser to view submitted attempts for secure assessments. Afterward your instructor posts your class, you can find it in multiple places without additional software.

To view the correct answers for your submission, y'all need Respondus LockDown Browser. Open your try and select Review results in Respondus LockDown Browser to launch the tool.

Offline Submissions (Educatee)

Offline submissions

Your teacher can add together assessments that don't require you to upload a submission.

Examples of offline work:

  • Oral presentations
  • Science fair projects
  • Acting performances
  • Artwork delivered in person
  • Confront-to-face team building exercises, panel discussions, and debates

Y'all can view the cess alongside other content on the Course Content page and on your global and form grades pages. When you access the cess from these course areas, you're informed you can't submit work online. Your instructor can add instructions, files, a rubric, and goals to help you prepare for the offline work. Yous can also participate in the cess's conversations if enabled.

For offline submissions, you lot tin can't submit multiple attempts and your teacher tin can't add a time limit.

When your instructor assigns a grade, you're notified in your activity stream.

On your Course Grades page, your grade appears with Submitted offline. If your instructor used a rubric to course, the class pill displays a rubric icon.


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